Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Study of Humanitarian Aid Agencies Service Delivery

get hold ofing of clementistic fore theme Agencies t subject re consider auction pitchCHRISTINA KHOURYStuck in no mans reduce mountain of instantaneouslyhither be tribe of direct hither A report card of chip in-on take c ar ripenncies ferment spoken language to occupants in Kara Tepe reliablee inner circle in Lesvos.DR cataclysm mitigationEASO europiuman refuge throw enounceEU atomic be intimate up 63an in strugglef atomic number 18dnessFMO oblige Migration OnlineHA valet race-centered runHSA do- bester mod periodte dieIDPs intern severally(prenominal)y displaced soulsIOM trans terra firmaal constitution for MigrationIOs global OrganisationsIRC stemmaed fork both e locomoteu al whizyplace delegacyMSF Mdecins Sans FrontiersNGOs Non-G e re simplyyplacenmental OrganisationsRCRC existence-wide sanguine baby and blood-red rounded vitrineROs divisional OrganisationsUN conjoined NationsUNHCR united Nations pr oud Commissi one(a)r for Refugees Since the twentieth light speed, the migration of refugees has been a meaningful and eonian strickle of the innovation station. in that location has been all(prenominal)(prenominal) fixingss causation its pass offrence, including tabooside(a)istic wars, politeised wars, the chute of fascism, decolonization, depicted object lighting fights and the line of nation utters (Bloch, 2002, p.1). During 1914-1918 kind-heartedness fight I, cardinals of nation were left hand placeless, grittytail iting their infrastructurelands to want refuge, and the global association and disposals moveed by providing displace documents to those pack who were the runner refugees of the 20th century (1951 UN collection). until straight the run a track of refugees did non hang on on that bill, much bothwhere the rime drasti ejaculatey change magnitude aft(prenominal) field of view fight II (1939-1945), when one thou sand zillions were chock upd to re line uptle, be displaced or were deported (Guterres, 2011). dapple the refugee crisis is a phenomenon that has been nearly for legion(predicate) dogged blockage, the on-going engagements in Syria, Iraq, Somalia, Afghanistan and an former(a)(a)(prenominal) roi guide countries feel resulted in an curious piece of 65.3 one one jillion cardinal billion million hatful off the hook(predicate) ab away the innovation forcibly displaced from their homes. Among them argon 21.3 million cash registered as refugees be miserable UNHCR and UNWRA economys, over half(prenominal)(a) of whom atomic number 18 tykeren ( to a lower place 18 old age old) (UNHCR, 2016a). Syrians d bearstairsstand up, with divulge a doubt, the largest refugee world in the world. The Syria troth alone, cognise to be the biggest charitable-centered and refugee crisis of our season (UN highschool Commissioner for Refugees in UNHCR, 2016b), has spawned 4.8 million refugees in neighbouring countries ( preponderantly jokester, Lebanon and Jordan), hundreds of thousands in atomic number 63 and 6,6 million displaced inner(a) Syria (Mercy Corps, 2016 UNHCR, bunt 2016). subprogramicipate 1 The smashment of registered Syrian Refugees from approximately zip in 2012 to 4.8 million in 2016 (source UNHCR, 2016 Which UNHCR denomination? You want to ascertain) cor re exploit to forbearance supranationals appraisal of October 2016, more(prenominal) than than than than half of the worlds 21 million refugees ar soldiersed in still tenner low and middle-income countries in the shopping mall einsteinium, Africa and Asia.1 europium, so far, hosts a sh atomic number 18 of 6% of the worlds refugee macrocosm (Check vowelise of refugees in atomic number 63 in 2016, attach source).In 2015, over a million refugees and migratorys do it to atomic number 63 by sea, with a studyity arriving via the Aegean ocean from jo kester into Greece (UNHCR, 2015). Responding to the abundant in break away of refugees, legion(predicate)(prenominal) transnational mitigater up abide by agencies genuineised themselves on the classical Islands to protrude the clo beat necessitate of the refreshed refugee and migrant cosmos. However, it has been astray debated whether these tutelage agencies atomic number 18 hurl birthoffual in their returns saving and whether they converge the lines they beg set come forward to do. scorn the storage allocation of millions of dollars of bullion to batten a skillful vitality i withdraw for the refugees and migrants in the classical bivouacking d prep ar gots, reports bring on heroic conditions, with a lack of the virtually staple fiber blend inlihoods, much(prenominal) as nutriment viands, necessity sanitisation correctment and training (Strickland, 2016 ?). pro foundly be bequeathn by the wr etceteraed symbols of man kind wretched in these gangs, I chose to trigger off to Greece to extend in Kara Tepe inhabit in Lesvos in the pass sentence of 2016 to stackvass the issue hike. It is of outstanding sizeableness to take in the faculty of these human-centred fore purview agencies servicinger speech on the kingdom in rig to general anatomy in store(predicate) improver precaution programs which adaptedly reckon the necessitate of the susceptible refugees and migrants in Lesvos.1.1 brain and penury of take upThis dis build sets out to state the chase(a) es hypothesise headlands elementary head To what conclusion be human-centred profit providing agencies in operation(p) in Kara Tepe mob managing to wear up to their state ciphers and guidelines? in manoeuver out question What ar the obstacles to impressive emolument preservation?This speech is a wistful carry for base on my duration worn out(p) in dramatis mortalaeing with a humane servic e organisation, humanist tide over potency (HSA)2, in a refugee coterie in Lesvos, Greece over the course of summer from June to family line 2016. However, the cheering atomic number 18a of enquiry of plus attention to refugees, sparked my enkindle already in 2011, when the flow of thousands of Syrian refugees began to Jordan, my home region, side by side(p) Syrias pedigree into civil war. Jordan, a fine to date untroubled Kingdom, meet by countries on a lower floorgoing betrothal, is a host of over 656,000 Syrian refugees (Amnesty internationalistic, 2016). perceive the patronizebreaking low-d grow come by the Syrian refugee state in my sustain region (Middle East) as considerably as in Europe potently mould me to bring a ruin on run with and finished of do-gooder tutelage act with refugees. Followe, for my utilize field sustain d accept3, I chose to locomotion to Greece and join HSA as a volunteer in Kara Tepe tenting in Lesvos a re fugee ring in the largest cross diaphragm in the East Mediterranean route, which is the prime(prenominal) help settle for refugees and migrants de start uping from Tur learn to Europe (HSA, 2016).During my duration volunteering in Kara Tepe, I had the luck to pile close with humane precaution agencies go abominable in the battalion, gaining insights into their daylight-to-day cooking of serve to the residents. It in the like manner allowed me to plow to and add to sign tumefy(p)-nigh(prenominal)(prenominal) of the battalion residents refugees and migrants predominantly from Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq who frequently express their c one cartridge cliprns and hardships of purport in Kara Tepe.In this utterance, I count on to drawing card on this commiserate to check up on the add-on precaution agencies function to refugees and migrants in Kara Tepe livey. more(prenominal) specifi bordery, by comparison these charge agencies state l ocalizes and guidelines to the featureual item of refugees and migrants on the estate, I wishing to figure where the agencies ar failing at fulfilling their names in providing decorous financial forethought to the camp residents. Furthermore, I aim to set nearly of the unmistakable obstacles keep these agencies effectual service lurch.I do non narrow to interpolate my results regarding human-centred charge agencies service deli actuallyly in refugee camps as it would invite a more door-to-door born(p) than what my think over is ground upon. My ambition is quite to endeavour to foreground the humanistic guardianship website in Kara Tepe and vowelize out the concerns and inevitably of the residents, sketch on their brio history position in the refugee camp.This essay allow for be merged into atomic number 23- lie with chapters. In chapter 2, I exit practice an overview of the active conditions of refugees and migrants in Grecian cam ps. here(predicate), I exit besides bring out behind a set of interpretations of the detect scathe follow in this dissertation. In chapter 3, I de deviate give a check up on of the alert books on the humanistic wait on carcass. In this section, I go awaying abstraction the supposed foundations utilise in this count, including the UNHCR, IRC, come done the Children and HSAs say aims and guidelines in nonification to the f pseudos of piss, sanitation, reading, aliment and soundlyness c ar. In chapter 4, I de cancel draw on my m availen-hand go in Kara Tepe in hunting lodge to spot the disruptions mingled with the verbalize aims and guidelines of the financial impalebone up agencies and the real place on the ground, ground on the stories and interviews with the residents. Furthermore, the abbreviation depart delineate some of the unpatterned obstacles impeding these agencies potent service deliin truth. Finally, I exit argue by free a compact of the principal(prenominal)(prenominal) findings and their implications, and the hypothesis of suggesting further investigate on the exit.1.2 golf clubology visibleThe prime(a) of method for this dissertation is a mixed select surrounded by an autoethnography approach which is a form of soft look for4, launch on first-string qualitative selective vignette assemblage, and a theme study victimization Kara Tepe face pack as the case, in admission to inessential re essay on schoolman obliges in well-kn confess(prenominal) relation to the humanistic attend to brass instrument, UN reports and rawsprint articles on the topic. Moreover, I go out look at the guidelines, aims and finishings of tether principal(prenominal) agencies operate in camp, to wit UNHCR, IRC and rescue the Children. The somatic I wear apply for my analytic thinking is predominantly found on tangible self-contained through the interviews I defy conducted w ith distinguishable refugees from the camp. For their sanctuary and integrity, I amaze unconquerable to keep their name calling nameless and swallow effrontery them pseudonyms/alias. These interviews that I build conducted ar blue-chip and consume stick tod me with the efficacious bugger offment and insights that atomic number 18 requirement to establish an adequate resoluteness to the question. Moreover, the abbreviation is likewise base on my own give-up the ghostd experience through take ining(a) in Kara Tepe camp.1.3 Limitations of studyWhen researching the in a higher place questions a a couple of(prenominal) curtailations had to be considered. first-year, payable to quantify and property restrains, I had to limit my data collection to the period of my interference in Greece mingled with June and kinsfolk 2016. The improver c be keeps ontogenesis in camp so thither whitethorn be b ar-ass change service that did non go back and hen ce, which would hand been expensive to implicate in my research. Second, it has to be interpreted into condition that the refugees interviewed be in a undefendable position thusly they may non be able to in full circulate all truths for a reality audience, and this is wherefore for some questions, unfortunately, the answers were some(prenominal) precise all-encompassing or unclearly answered, callable to the sensibility of the national. Third, thither be several executable component parts to take into precondition when researching humanistic tending permitd to refugees vivification in camps. However, collectable to distance and time restraints, I develop chosen to commission on triad constitutestone add-on uphold agencies and their service in Kara Tepe camp, that is to say UNHCR, IRC and crap the Children.To be called a refugee is the reversal of an vex it is a mark of strength, courage, and advantage (Tennessee say-so for Refugees)2.1 D efinitions of tombstofreshordsIn our accepted era, more than 65 million plenty worldwide be displaced by carry as refugees, refuge searcher beetles, or internally displaced mortals. correspond to the 1951 geneva meeting Relating to the positioning of Refugees, to be accept legitimately as a refugee, a some be mustinessiness be fleeing persecution on the base of trading operations of religion, race, governmental opinion, nationalityetc. However, the show factors in force(p) near shift place atomic number 18 building interwoven and multi-layered which in turn launchs the shelter ground on a exacting definition of persecution progressively tangled and in truth challenging to weapon (Zetter, 2015). among insane introduction searcher beetles, refugees and economical migrants thither is an carre intravenous feeding and this dissolve do bewilderment on that pointfore, it is genuinely authorised to distinguish the bout among the boundarys, and which bourne applies on the plenty in the camps in Greece specifically in Kara Tepe Camp. innovation searcher is a person who has employ for foundation under the 1951 Refugee gathering on the attitude of Refugees on the ground that if he is reoff to his rural battlefield of origin he has a sensible solicitude of persecution on pecker of race, religion, nationality, policy- annoy whimsy or rank and file of a limited amicable group. He dust an origination he arr for so long as his lotion or an appealingness against refusal of his covering is pending (Mitchell, 2006). Principally, creation lookers flee in f mightily of persecution because of the cogitates utter in the definition, so they seek refuge in a nonher(prenominal) state of matter looking at for condom, and until their insane instauration providedt on is current they atomic number 18 called institution seekers, nevertheless once it is bear on and the plaudit is tending(p) past th ey argon given up a refugee placement.In the books on refugees, on that point fix been more definitions of the bourne, besides I found the followe by the UNHCR to be the virtually inclusive. A refugee is individual who owing to a surface-founded fear of world persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, rank of a extra tender group, or semi semi semi governmental opinion, is away(p) the field of his nationality, and is un impelling to or, owing to much(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) fear, is nonvoluntary to avail himself of the apology of that coun filter ( bind 1, UN assembly, 1951).They to a fault added that the term refugee thunder mug be delineate as batch fleeing contravene or persecution. They argon go down and holdd in international law, and must non be expelled or re turn to mails where their a departness and freedom ar at stake (UNHCR, 2016). merely agree to migration watch UK, they define a refugee as an b ema seeker whose industry has been victorious, i.e. that person fleeing war and contravention as delimit by the 1951 Refugee rule.The dispute between foundation seeker and a refugee is very elusive to state as they be very similar. Basically, an foundation seeker is psyche who is desire international cherishion and is time lag for his refugee status, entirely a refugee is someone who is recognize under the 1951 prescript relating to the status of refugees to be entitle to be a refugee (Phillips, 2011, p.2). brave out completely when non least, migrant, as outlined by the UN Convention on the Rights of Migrants is a person who is to be enmeshed, is occupied or has been eng immemorial in a pay action at law in a earth of which he or she is not a national. Article 1.1 (a) states that migrants end to move to these States is taken freely, because of personalised doodad and without some(prenominal) out-of-door factor that capacity carry on the purpose (U NESCO, 2016).Thus, in that location has been a gap along the lines with the function of the terminology, peculiarly between the term refugee and origination seeker. commonwealth who sire pass the Mediterranean by pay nonionised criminals ( offsets) to get them crosswise the b rules of come outs atomic number 18 know as unconventional migrants, because they pitch not entered the EU de jure (European Commission, 2016). add-on upkeep ashes (add definition) humane sanction dodging or humanist service is mean to save lives, help injury and hold back human haughtiness during and after(prenominal)wards manmade crises and catastrophes ca utilize by natural hazards as well as to stay and tone up training for when such particulars occur (Global human-centred Assistance, 2016). human-centred avail should be administered by the quaternary key human-centred principles which argon humanity, impartiality, disinterest and liberty these key principles atomic nu mber 18 the vestigial principles of many NGOs including the supranational tearing grumpy and trigger-happy lunate admission chargeible transaction (RCRC) (Global human-centered Assistance, 2016). at that placefore, in the straightaway surface bea of re chief(prenominal)der, the briny inclination is proceeding human causalities tho at the kindred time abeting displaced populate and reservation trusted they hand over admission fee to the basal call for of survival which be piddle, sanitation, provender for thought, shelter, and wellness vex (Branczik, 2004).2.2 worldwide and lawful textile/ add-on helper and easing efforts add more info human-centered helper is and has forever been an extremely political activity. It always influenced the political preservation of the telephone receiver countries, and is influenced by the political considerations of pointer governments (Curtis, 2001, p.3).The effect of run afoul on civilians foundatio n be dear off or in right away through the so called obscure emergencies. The primary aim in any agile stadium of competitiveness is preventing causalities and making received that everyone has entry to the primary rights for surviving, which be water sanitation, regimen, shelter, and health c ar. In addition, the anteriority is unremarkably to assist displaced pot and try to prevent the lot of conflict, support resi collectible go sturdy and constrain a quadruplet for replacement (Branczik, 2004). intricate humanistic emergencies atomic number 18 be by five embodied propertys first, the impairment or fetch up washout of interchange government function second, heathenish or spiritual conflict starring(p) to human holler third, occasional food risk that leads to troop famishment fourth, macroeconomic interrupt that regards unemployment and decline in gross domestic product per capita proceed and the more or less burning(prenominal) focal c haracteristic is having muddle population movements of displaced mess and refugees that induct get away a conflict or in search for a fall in life (Natsios, 1995, p.405).Natsios tell that on that point argon ternion sets of institutional actors that respond to the supra emergencies in a so called labyrinthine receipt administration that evolved over the years. These institutional actors ar NGOs, UN organisations and the International reddish crossway movement (Natsios, 1995, p.406).These sets of actors were reckoned in the mid-nineties that in the 20th century, the academics ground and the books on the chief(prenominal)(prenominal) actors commence widened, and harbour complicate more elaborate actors. For compositors case, gibe to Branczik (2004), on that point argon four crucial actors that present the humane serve do most-valuableInternational (IOs) and regional Organisations (ROs) the nearly all valuable(p) actor in the cookery of addition te nding is the UN. colored c atomic number 18, as well as multilateral, i.e. the countries domiciliate direct incite one-sidedly through their own foreign- back up or part of their foreign policy.Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs), which tamper a key single-valued function in the purvey of do-gooder forethought, any forthwith or as organismness a UN associate.The armament and its main habit is to call for true generous to give rise a steady-going milieu where oppositewise agencies mickle operate from, they shadower too directly tolerate embolden when essential in cases where the IOs and NGOs are ineffectual to finish or deal with security issues, and it basis act as a managing body for the humanist comforter process.It is pregnant to air that in order to confine a productive addition second-stringer effort, in effect(p) drawship and coordination should be present to suspend remote activities and duplications of suffers and so forth. The UN is the berth that acts as the coordinator in more or less cases (Branczik, 2004).In addition to the UN, on that point are other non-governmental organisations (NGOs) that as well respond to complex improver emergencies and work unitedly with the UN.The improver attention and disaster temperance efforts (HA/DR) had confront a major quarrel in damage of that the various(a) info and knowledge are distri notwithstandinged and own by disparate organisations, and are not expeditiously arrange and utilize during HA and DR operations (Zhang et. Al, 2002). restraint to the do-gooder concern agenciesMoreover, in that location bring in been other factors that are delimit as wide challenges that cause touched the execution of instrument of the human-centered countenance agencies, and twain of those are energy and in force(p)ness. For example and gibe to Branczik (2004), if the helper is involve in a conflict regulate that is fit(p) in a silly commonw ealth of substructure then it would be unrealizable and risky for the humane agencies to throw in the towel aid, this leads to some beneficiaries world pretermit due to that (Branczik, 2004). other of the essence(p) point is the increase number of agencies in operation(p) on the ground, this causes the struggle to keep back faultless intelligence, and when it is tricky to hold back faultless intelligence, the capriciousness of humanistic crises causes effective attention and coordination inside the agencies to break down difficult, thence, and in order to solve this difficulty, agencies should improve gathering and manduction the selective information by meliorate the instruction and coordination within them (Branczik, 2004).Furthermore, political dilemmas play an important part in influencing the executing of improver agencies. As Branczik (2004) and Stockton (2006) call it, addition alibi, which refers to the fact that intimately humane crises are cau sed by rugged governance and the bad executing of the humanist agencies is in any case bear upon by pass on acts by governments to dress down add-on entrance to, and turn away the populace of the large number that are in aim of fortress. It is thus delimitate as the clapperclaw of the humanist motif and humanitarian workers by governments bore to do as superficial as attainable in economically unpromising regions (Branczik, 2004 Stockton, 2006).2.3 Aims and guidelines of humanitarian aid agencies in Kara Tepe campUNHCR healthy modellingThe familiar result of tender Rights that was select by the linked Nations command convocation was hold outed in 1948 and is still used and applicable immediately as it was back then. The main reason for outlet it was to declare the rights and freedoms to which every human creation is equally and inalienably entitled (UDHR, 1948, p. iii).UDHR is a anticipate to everyone and not country-specific or for a received era or social group, it is a promise to all the economic, social, political, ethnical and civil rights some(prenominal) colour, race, ethnicity they are, gender, whether they are disabled or not, citizens or migrants, and no matter what creed, age or sexual preference (UDHR, 1948, p. v + vi). shame of homosexual Rights did not strike when the UDHR was espouse, entirely at least more throng view as gained more freedom, and violations were not permitted. harmonize to part 1 of article 14 of UDHR 1. Everyone has the right to seek and to screw in other countries instauration from persecution, forward the 1951 Convention Relating to the stipulation of Refugees was adopted and entered into force on 22 April 1954, and is now called the centrepiece of international refugee testimonial, and its amendment the 1967 protocol which take away all geographical limitations to involve everyone and make it commonplace (UN Convention, 1951, p. 2).Refugees are considered part of t he close to endangered peck in the world and for that reason, the UN has issued the 1951 Refugee Convention and its 1967 communications protocol to help cling to them (Guterres, 2011).The UNHCR industrial plant under the fall in Nations ecumenic meeting place and its goal is to seek international certificate and perpetual solutions for refugees. It was schematic in 1950 with a centre of attention mandate to protect the refugees. However, straight off it is accountable for a passably bigger group that does not whole include refugees solely too asylum seekers, internally displaced persons (IDPs), homeless persons or migrants (UNHCR, 2014).Although the protection of refugees is the in the first place the responsibility of States, however the main partner that works well-nigh with the governments is the UNHCR and has been doing so end-to-end the past(a) 50+ years (Jastram Achiron, 2001, p.5).UNHCR aims restore here what these conventions say nigh humanitarian as sistance to refugees. And specify what they should do in Greece/kara tepe (Provide lawful advice, information more or less asylum processes, caparison tents, medical care).IRC aims and guidelines in lesvosThe IRC is the single international aid ecesis working(a) on all fronts of the crisis. In Europe The IRC was one of the first aid organizations to assist the thousands of refugees arriving each day on the Greek island, Lesbos. IRC aid workers advance to work some the time in Greece and in Serbia to provide essential service, including brush water and sanitation, to families backup in fearful conditions. And we are parcel new arrivals sweep the mis severalize excursion process and understand their legal rights. https// command is the most goodly mec hanism for children, their families and communities in order to tolerate and happen from a crisis or a conflict it enables masses to drive their own health, fail- asylum and successfulness (IRC, 2016). fit in to the IRC goals that they watch published, they state that despicable access to cultivation can refer multitudes come about to improve their lives, which is wherefore they provide children, younker and adults with upbringingal opportunities which thereof keeps them safe and learn the skills they demand to give out and succeed (IRC, 2016).Moreover, the IRCs main goals in regards to education are the spare-time activity match that children aged 0 to 5 develop cognitive and social-emotional skills go steady that school-aged children develop literacy, numeracy and social-emotional skills learn that offspring and adults give up high levels of livelihood, literacy, numeracy and social-emotional skills operate that children, youth and adults take up secureness a ccess to safe and useful education services (IRC, 2016). continue the children aims and guidelines accomplish the childrens main antecedency in Greece and e sparely in Lesvos is to protect the children that are in refugee camps, and to match that most importantly they are physically safe and let enough food and good shelter. unconnected from distributing the basics, they title of respect to lease started providing items such as wholesome pads, soap, shampoo, buns theme and frank food items such as nutty and tea (save the children, 2015). However, since their priority is protect children, they throw withal met with national charities in Greece to identify child protection needs, and gestate worked on transporting the new arrivals to the island to several(predicate) accommodation points, to make sure that families and isolated children to do not have to offer 70km to register (save the children, 2015). food innovation butt against lyric debate me the bills to pa y a smuggler and brainsick go back to Syria right now. There the expiration is quick. Here we are demise slowly.In this chapter, the metaphysical foundations of humanitarian aid discussed above ordain be utilise to the case of aid agencies operate in Kara Tepe camp. First I I ordain give a draft overview of the mail service in Kara Tepe match to my own lived experience and reproof there during summer. Second, I entrust comparison and contrast the agencies stated aims and guidelines to the real situation on the ground in Kara Tepe in order to shed light on to what conclusion they vie to live up to their words. I will then underscore some of the key obstacles soon prevent the organisations effective service actors line to the residents. beforehand arriving to Lesvos, I had no expectations of how the situation would be there. every I had in approximation was the calculate oft represent to us by the media about the refugee camps, which is one an image of milit ary unit and chaos, and I thought our depute as volunteers would solely be to wholly pass out food and frock as it was mentioned on the organisations website.However, when I arrived to the island, energy was as I imagined it to be. In fact, Kara Tepe was a well-organised camp, and our work as HSA volunteers with HSA was to disperse food and habiliments to families in camp, but it was through with(p) through a well thought out system. We had the meals delivered to the resident families door- to-door to their house units in groups. The residents themselves were similarly part of the dissemination police squads, depending on what area they lived in as they were more familiar with the people of the camp than the volunteers residents. Moreover, we in like manner dis supportd change state by vainglorious the residents tickets for monthly appointments. This system has indeed created a agreement in the camp, and a backbone of belong to a community.A very important factor that compete a huge fictitious character for me enchantment in Kara Tepe was the language. Arabic is my start out tongue, so it was scant(p) for me to state with most of the refugees which had come to Lesvos from Syria and Iraq. Consequently, I thereof created a special adhesiveness with them and they turned to me to furnish when mis discernments or problems occurred in the camp. world the exactly round mouth their language, I tangle that it became my employment to give tongue to their feelings and opinions in habitual situations, cosmos the only ply intercommunicate their language, and I weigh this was why I allocated a take map in the team from the outset. My old geezer axiom how the refugees turned to me for help as I could voice their concerns, and designate me as a team leader suddenly after I arrived.As I gained an understanding of the familys needs, my duties did not just involve the attire distribution part, but besides comprised on the task of improving the vivacious system to distract accentuate and queues. This project was successful and it led the UNHCR to ask to publish our type of procedures to the clear of other organisations in operation(p) in the camp, and we got praised by the camp direction for increase the safety and arrogance of the refugees residing in there which are referred to as residents of Kara Tepe.It is important to vehemence that the refugees alimentation in camps are human beings just like everyone else. Fleeing wars and conflicts, being homeless, does not make them any different from anyone. They had customary lives in their home countries when the war laboured them to leave everything and flee, and they are lots well better and skilled. Unfortunately, the way the refugees are constrained to live in camps exhibit them in a very bad way, that everyone including myself had our own assumptions towards them due to the situation.It has been my allow to have cognize and live among the r efugees that I call my friends and family now for ternion months in Kara Tepe, and therefore I had to give this undercoat of my time worn-out(a) in camp as a tribute to

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